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How To Build A High Performing & Highly Profitable Engineering Team

Created Specifically For Engineering Consultancies

Build a high performing engineering team that generates incredible profits & frees you up to focus on strategy, direction & the high-growth activities that will move the needle the most & make the biggest difference


Thou Shalt Not Hustle Or Grind

Today we’re exploring Commandment #2 of The 10 Commandments For Consultancy Business Owners. 


I personally can’t stand the hustle and grind culture.  


It breaks my heart seeing so many business owners feeling like they need to sacrifice every other part of their life in order to focus on building their business. 


There’s a saying I saw recently “Sacrifice everything for a year, so that you never need to sacrifice anything ever again”. 


What an awful message.  


Because what if it takes longer than a year? (And it likely will). 


To build a successful business that runs without you and your constant input. 


That generates great revenue and profit. 


And sets you and your family up for financial freedom and financial success. 


It’s a marathon - not a sprint.  


I’d much rather you slow things down, focus on...

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Running Shareholders Meetings

Today I’m running a training for our Boardroom members. 


On how to run highly effective shareholders meetings with their internal shareholders. 


Plus, showing them how to prepare and issue proper shareholders reports. 


Now, as your business grows. 


And you turn your attention to succession planning. 


You’ll likely consider bringing on next generation shareholders into your business. 


So they can eventually take over the running of your business. 


And you can extract the true value of your hard earned work building your company. 


By selling down to your ownership to your next gen shareholders over time. 


Now the process of selecting your shareholders and preparing your shareholders deed, we’ve covered in past posts. 


Plus we cover this extensively in Boardroom. 


Today I want to walk you through the agenda for highly effective...

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Why Your Business Metrics Matter

This week in Boardroom we’ve been talking a lot about business metrics. 


And the importance of knowing your data. 




Because data helps you make decisions.  


And helps you fix things before they truly break. 


A lot of business owners are fire fighting. 


Moving from one spot fire to another. 


Never really feeling like you’re getting ahead.  


Treading water. Working on a bunch of ‘things’. 


But inevitably having to then jump in and put out the next fire.  


Tracking your business data and your metrics fixes 90% of this.  




If you’re tracking the right metrics in your business each week and each month. 


(Different metrics weekly vs monthly). 


Then you’re getting ahead of the issues. 


You’re being proactive in the management of your...

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How To Hit Consistent 30% Net Profit Margins

This week we’re talking about profit.  


Profit is the lifeblood of any business.  


Without it - things can get pretty hard.  


But with it - things start to get pretty exciting.  


A well run, profitable business creates freedom & choice.  


Choice to reinvest money back into the business for growth. 


Choice to pay yourself a nice dividend and book that family holiday.  


Choice to hire and grow.  


Choice to give a top performing team member a raise. 


Choice to spend more time with those you love. 


Choice to live a truly free and abundant lifestyle. 


I’m sure you get me. 


But most business owners choose to focus on revenue growth over profit.  


Why? Because revenue growth is fun and exciting.  


Jagging another big client. Winning a new proposal. Getting a repeat...

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Free Download - How to Hire High Performers

Hiring the wrong person into your business can be devastating 


If they're the wrong fit - both culturally & professionally 


With mis-aligned values and personality type, and not up to scratch technically 


They can quickly erode the culture and the performance of your team 


That you've worked so hard to build 



Which is why I've created this training - How to Hire High Performers 


A simple, step by step process to follow - to hire high performers into your business 


Every time 


Including the scripts, the processes and templates to follow 


And it’s yours - for free 


Download here >> Click Here



In this training you'll find a complete process for: 


Getting clear on the ideal profile for the role 


How to write a high converting advert (including examples) 


Full process & scripts to...

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How To Create High-Value Business Time

Here are 3 strategies to help you spend high-value time on your business - every single week. 


Time. It’s everyone’s most precious resource. 


You can’t create more of it. 


No matter how hard you try! 


And when the hours are gone - they’re gone. 


You make the mistake of thinking that the harder you work… 


…the more you’ll get done. 


And that’s true - to a point.  


But usually working harder is just ‘busy work’. 


Ticking smaller or short term tasks off the list. 


So you feel good about yourself.  


But deep inside, you know… 


…that you’re still running on the hamster wheel. 


Barely keeping up and running hard just to keep all the plates spinning. 


You know you’re not really spending high-value time on your business. 


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How To Improve Team Efficiencies


Is your revenue OK, but profit margins suck? 


Can’t work out why there’s no money left over each month? 


It’s probably your team’s efficiencies. 


Team are great.  


They’re the only way you’re going to grow. 


They’re the only way you’re going to take on bigger and better clients. 


But if they’re not performing - it’s the quickest way to bankruptcy. 


A poor performing team can very quickly chew through any cash reserves. 


A poor performing team will happily rack up hours against projects that don’t have the budget. 


If profit is low - team performance is the first thing I look at. 


The good news is - it’s also really easy to fix. 


Poor team performance is a lack of structure and direction. 


Think of leading your team like 10 pin bowling… 



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2 Things Every Business Owner Should Do

When it comes to growing your business - are you all in? 


When it comes to building a life that you TRULY want - are you all in? 


Or is this a ‘sometimes’ and ‘when you feel like it’ kinda situation? 


There are only 2 x things that will help you build the life you want - Effort & Consistency . 


Now I’m not talking about waking up at 4am, being ‘hardcore’ and working 60 - 80hr weeks. 


I’m not about that at all.  


In fact - I’d rather you work less because you’ve built a really sustainable business. 


A business that support you having more time. 


More time for the things that are most important to you. 


I’m talking about the level of commitment you have to building this life? 


I’m talking about the level of commitment you have to building a really successful business. 



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You Canโ€™t Be Nice All The Time

As humans we like to be liked. 

We like people saying nice things about us and we really don’t like it when people don’t like us or have negative things to say about us. 


We typically don't like conflict and avoid situations where 'real talk' or 'saying hard things' is required.  

But as a business owner, you have to let go of your need to be liked. 

It's 100% not serving you and it's causing you and your business more damage than you realise.  

It's often thought that the best way to create a good culture in your business is to be the nice guy or nice girl. 


To let your staff have fun & never push them outside of their comfort zone, for fear that they won't like working with you anymore and that they’ll leave you. 

This is the completely wrong way to think about creating great culture and being a great business leader. 

To create a great business that generates excellent revenue and profit, to...

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Youโ€™re Addicted To Your Business

Let’s face it - you’re addicted to your business.  

You think about it all the time.   

Nights. Weekends. During a workout. At the dinner table. While you’re with family & friends.  

While you don’t want to admit it and as much as you try and not think about it - your brain always finds a way back.  

Thinking about what’s next and what needs to be done.   

Thinking about your current problems and how you’re going to fix them.  

Thinking about the future and whether you’re as far along as you thought you would be by now.   

And you know what - this is completely normal.  

Your business is a part of you.   

You started it. You’re growing it. And you’re its captain - in charge of where you’re taking it.  

But - your business doesn’t need you as much as you think it does.  

Just because you...

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