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Thou Shalt Not Hustle Or Grind

Today we’re exploring Commandment #2 of The 10 Commandments For Consultancy Business Owners. 


I personally can’t stand the hustle and grind culture.  


It breaks my heart seeing so many business owners feeling like they need to sacrifice every other part of their life in order to focus on building their business. 


There’s a saying I saw recently “Sacrifice everything for a year, so that you never need to sacrifice anything ever again”. 


What an awful message.  


Because what if it takes longer than a year? (And it likely will). 


To build a successful business that runs without you and your constant input. 


That generates great revenue and profit. 


And sets you and your family up for financial freedom and financial success. 


It’s a marathon - not a sprint.  


I’d much rather you slow things down, focus on...

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5X Revenue Growth Since Jan

This week we’re celebrating with an incredible Boardroom member, Jordan. 


Since the start of this year he’s 5X’d his monthly revenue.  


And doubled his team size.  


And he’s now on track to hit $2M easily in the next 12 months.  


When we first started working together he was doing between $15K - $25K months.  


He had a massive desire to learn, implement and grow.  


So we got stuck in.  


And focused on: 


Hiring strategically for where he wanted the business to go. 


Winning good quality work from high value clients.  


Upgrading his own identity as a business owner, so he didn’t keep getting pulled back into lower value tasks. 


And his monthly revenue quickly became $40K. 


Then $60K. 


Now he’s just had an $87K month. 


And October...

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Bringing On Another Director

Yesterday I was talking with an incredible Boardroom member, Raj. 


He’s had fantastic growth over the last 3 years. 


Between 30% and 50% growth each year.  


And we were talking about what’s next.  


He’s on track to hit $2M in revenue.  


And really wants to get to $5M and beyond.  


We were talking through different growth strategies.  


And the concept of bringing on another Director into the business came up. 


Now there’s plenty of pros and cons for bringing on another Director into your business.  


Whether you’re thinking of going from 1 to 2 Directors. 


2 to 3 Directors. Or 3 to 4 Directors. 


It always needs consideration.  


And evaluating whether it’s right for you.  


So first things first - you need to work out what you want. 


Do you want...

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The 10 Commandments For Consultancy Business Owners

I’ve been working on something kinda fun.  


The 10 Commandments For Consultancy Business Owners. 


It’s what I believe to be true about how to run a successful consultancy. 


A business that’s fun to run, returns great profit and gives you the life and the lifestyle you truly want.  


And over the next 10 weeks I’ll be releasing a new commandment every week.  


Each one building on the last.  


I’ll also be recording a video on each of them as well.  


And putting them on our YouTube channel.  


Which you can check out here >> Click Here


So let’s dive in.  


Commandment #1 - Thou Shalt Keep It Simple 


Too many business owners over-complicate things. 


They make business way harder than it needs to be. 


Because they think that’s what’s required to grow a...

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Is The Market Turning?

This week we hosted a session for all of our Boardroom Mastermind members. 


These are members of our Boardroom program, who are doing over $2M in their businesses. 


To discuss the state of play for their market sectors. 


What’s been happening. 


The trends. 


And where each sector is going. 


Now, no one has a crystal ball (and this is certainly not financial advice…) 


But this was a room full of incredibly smart cats.  


Who run great businesses.  


And live and breathe their markets and their industries. 


So a valuable room to be in. 


We talked across multiple sectors and industries. 


Coal, mining, residential, commercial, industrial, engineering, surveying, town planning, architecture, environmental, heritage, construction etc.  


And the general consensus is that while it might feel like it’s a...

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Running Shareholders Meetings

Today I’m running a training for our Boardroom members. 


On how to run highly effective shareholders meetings with their internal shareholders. 


Plus, showing them how to prepare and issue proper shareholders reports. 


Now, as your business grows. 


And you turn your attention to succession planning. 


You’ll likely consider bringing on next generation shareholders into your business. 


So they can eventually take over the running of your business. 


And you can extract the true value of your hard earned work building your company. 


By selling down to your ownership to your next gen shareholders over time. 


Now the process of selecting your shareholders and preparing your shareholders deed, we’ve covered in past posts. 


Plus we cover this extensively in Boardroom. 


Today I want to walk you through the agenda for highly effective...

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When To Push And When To Pivot

As a business owner, you’re always trying new things. 


Always looking to make the business better & more efficient. 


Trying new ways to grow, win new work and increase revenue. 


But how long is long enough to know if the strategy or new initiative you’ve implemented… 


Is actually going to work? 




Not wasting your time on something that just isn’t going to return you a result? 


From our experience… 


2 months. 


2 months is long enough to test something and get enough feedback. 


To know whether it’s worth pursuing long term. 


Or cutting it and moving on. 


So that new BD strategy you’re trying out. 


Or the internal team initiative to improve culture. 


Or the client relationship plan to increase client satisfaction. 


Give it 2 months. 


Go all in on...

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This Month On The Podcast

I hope you’re having a great week. 


Here we are, kicking off the last quarter of the year!   

In case you missed it, here’s what we covered on the podcast in September: 


Some Call This “Grit” 


In this episode we explore: 

 - Building a successful business isn’t sunshine and rainbows!   

 - Business owners winning now went through the hard times.  

 - Lean into challenges. The other side will be magnificent.   


Follow the links below to check out this episode: 


Click here for the podcast episode. 


Click here to watch the video. 




A Great Technician Doesn’t Equal A Great Business Owner 


In this episode we explore: 

 - Stop and remember why you started the business. 
- The key to time and freedom is EQ, a team and the right structure....

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Elevate Your Role

We’ve been talking a lot recently about team performance and profit. 


And how to get your business performing at the level it’s capable of. 


Through focusing on team autonomy and role ownership. 


Now, the next step in the process. 


Is for you to elevate and upgrade your role. 


And shift your focus in the business. 


Most business owners make the mistake of staying too involved in everything in their businesses. 


When in actual fact, you should be focusing on less. 


Having a narrower and more high level focus in your business. 


As your business grows, your role should shift. 


From you doing all the work. 


To you focusing on training and building a great team. 


So that they can do the work. 


Freeing you up to focus on bigger picture strategies. 


And higher value actions in the business. 



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How To Improve Staff Performance

Tomorrow I’m running a training for our Boardroom members on Building Staff Accountability. 


In this training we’ll be exploring 6 x strategies. 


To move staff away from Dependence and towards Autonomy. 


Today I want to share one of these core strategies. 


For improving staff performance. 


And building a high-performance culture. 


That leads to happier staff, increased business performance and a highly profitable consultancy. 


Today we’re talking about setting clear expectations with your staff. 


Most staff and performance issues arise because your staff aren’t clear on what is expected of them. 


Because you’re so busy as an owner.  


You’re often rushing the delegation and explanation process. 


Because you just want to get them actioning the task or the project. 


So you can move onto the next...

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